
LeechGet provides the possibility to automatically "catch" downloads from the Internet Explorer, from Netscape Browsers, Opera or Mozilla. If you are using Netscape, Opera or Mozilla, you have to download and install a special Plug-In to transfer downloads from these browser to LeechGet (available at

Please note that the following options only have an effect when using the Internet Explorer. For all other browsers, visit
to download the appropriate Plug-In.

Catch Links from Internet Explorer

Select this box if you want LeechGet to catch all clicks on URLs within the Internet Explorer. Clicks on URLs will automatically be rerouted to LeechGet. This works only if you have Internet Explorer 6.0 or greater installed. If you are forced to use an older version, you might consider to download and install the Plug-In mentioned above, it should work with the Internet Explorer as well.

Monitor Clipboard for URLs
By activating this option, LeechGet will permanently watch the Windows clipboard for URLs. If a valid URL is discovered, LeechGet will handle it just like it came from the Internet Explorer.

Include/Exlude list
You can as well configure an exclude/include list for file types and web sites. Sometimes it is wise to tell LeechGet not to catch some downloads like video files or music files that are supposed to play directly in the browser window.

Include list
The first list is the include list. Here you can adjust which types of files are monitored and/or caught from Internet Explorer.
Just enter the extension of all files you want to monitor for divided by a semicolon or a space character.
The string '*.*' means all files, *.EXE stands for all executable files, *.ZIP for all ZIP archives and so on... If you enter '*.*', all files will be caught, no matter what else stands in the list!

Default is: *.*

Exclude list

The second list is the exclude list. Here you can enter file types as well as web sites. File types should be entered the same way as in the Include list (see above). If you want to exclude entire web sites, please enter their names without a 'www' at the beginning. Use a space character or a semicolon to separate the entries.

Please be aware of using '*.*' in the exclude list because LeechGet will pretty much ignore all downloads in that case!!!

Default is: .AVI .MP3 .MPG .RMI .RM